Create and Code

8-Bit and Pixel
The Create and Code mascots

Create and Code is a technology education program offered by Create Caribbean to encourage students aged 5 -16 to engage multiple forms of digital literacy, including coding, game and app development, blogging and responsible social media use. Staff and interns at Create Caribbean offer one-day workshops, periodic weekend and week-long seminars, and summer workshops for students in this age range to explore the quickly evolving world of digital technology. The first Create and Code event was held in August 2014 and the first Summer Tech Camp was held in July 2015. Our technology education programs continue to expand and Create Caribbean has reached over 1,000 children across Dominica through the Create and Code platform.



Click HERE to Register


Click HERE to Register

Summer Tech Camp Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

You have questions? Let 8-Bit and Pixel answer!

First Things First…

Create and Code Summer Tech Camp is not intended to replicate the structure or style of a school experience. While a lot of teaching and learning happens on topics related  to technology and creativity, the goal is to provide a collaborative environment for campers to be socially engaged. We want them to have fun, ask questions, get to know other campers. So you should expect a less formal structure and tone than would be present in a regular classroom environment. 

What device/computer and software does my child need to participate?

The best device for Create and Code participation is a desktop or laptop computer. This allows for campers to be able to navigate easily between the live teaching session window and the tools/browsers they will use to complete activities. 

A tablet is also acceptable and course tutors will help campers navigate their devices to get the most out of each class. Early learners in Bytes and Kilobytes cohorts will be fine with just tablets.  

Mobile phones can be used and campers who own one should bring them along no matter what device they’re using for lessons. We test mobile apps and point them to resources available on those devices. However, mobile phones are not ideal for live sessions and activities. 

Can multiple children share the same log in?

It is only practical for campers to share the same access code if they will be assigned to the same cohort. Otherwise, this may be a challenge since campers are added only to the classes for their assigned group. 

There is nothing wrong with having campers in the same group share a single login for live sessions and activities. 

We are a nonprofit organization and do our best to offer our programs at a cost that can reach as many children and young adults as possible, especially this year given the economic impact of COVID-19 on many families. Therefore, while we allow more than one child to participate on a single login, we kindly ask that, if you are able to, that you register each child and pay per camper. Simply indicate to us via email that they may share a single access on one email account.

How many workshops/courses does my child have access to?

Your child will have access to the full schedule of courses and  programs provided for the four-week duration of the camp. 

Does my child need to be a particular age and skill level for each course ?

We accept campers at all skill levels within the stated age range from 5-16. The Camp Cohort flier explains in detail the assigned groups and skill level required for their respective cohort assignments.  

How are the courses structured?  

We schedule an average of four hour-long sessions per day per cohort. Each camper can attend as few or as many sessions as their schedule and attention will allow for any given day.  

We use Google Classroom for document and information sharing, and Google Meet and Zoom for live class sessions. Campers will be assigned a cohort, given a schedule which  will be shared by email and then added to their respective course spaces upon payment of registration fees. 

Are child safety measures in place?

We will only admit campers to classrooms and Zoom/Google Meet sessions. Ultimately, while we have taken all necessary precautions to protect the virtual spaces from unwanted interference, we need the support and cooperation of parents to ensure this security. All information sent to camper emails will also be sent to parent emails throughout the course of the camp. 

We will always seek your permission for any download of software or creation of new accounts to facilitate campers’  learning. This information will usually be posted in the Google Classroom stream, to which you will also have access. 

How will children (especially ages 5-7) be supervised? Will they require adult supervision for the duration of the camp?

Each course will have at least one instructor and one classroom support team member assigned. These Create Caribbean team members will identify themselves at the beginning of every class and will work to monitor student engagement. However, it is impossible for us to ensure full participation from each camper without your support. 

Therefore, we encourage parents to be nearby to  encourage and supervise campers (especially early learners ages 5-10) during live sessions and to assist us with virtual classroom management. We always want your awareness and consent as we work to maintain all campers’ safety in the virtual environment.