Creating New Opportunities

By Chelsea Bertrand

As a create intern, we are tasked with contributing to  interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research projects on a wide variety of topics such as history, literature  arts social sciences, agriculture,  health sciences and information technology.  This semester (2019 – 2020), we Create Caribbean interns were tasked with completing specific areas with respect to the Carisealand project. All interns were given certain set coordinates to enter onto the ArcGIS software due to information being moved from its previous platform.  Interns were to ensure that these points were placed in their correct locations.  

As a science major, the usage of ArcGIS was very difficult.  My lack of experience in dealing with this software left me feeling very discouraged, especially after viewing a tutorial did nothing to ease my confusion.  Even at this point in time I have not fully grasped how to manipulate the software.  However, I can only blame myself as I have not been completely focused on the project due to the demands of my majors.  Trying to balance Create work, college work and a full time job has posed great difficulty for me.  My poor time management inhibited my ability to complete tasks within a timely manner as well as my ability to fully understand the ArcGIS.

However I am grateful for the opportunities that Create Caribbean has provided for me.  I would have never learnt how to use ArcGIS or adobe nor would I have learnt so much about the Cariseisland topics.  My research skills have also significantly improved after doing some investigative work for the Carisealand syllabus. I am very thankful for these technological skills that I would not have otherwise learnt on my own and I am excited to make use of them in the future.

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