The Journey Continues

By Jodine Robin

An entire year has passed since I became an intern at Create Caribbean and it has definitely been unforgettable. I began as an unsure intern because I felt that my majors were not fitting or they would hinder me in some way. However, I quickly realized that was not the case, I have worked on projects within and outside my major like Carisealand, the Road to Independence and the Building Communities:1838-1938 project. As I continue my journey at Create Caribbean I am ecstatic to see the opportunities and doors that may open.

Working on future projects is what I am most curious and excited about. Although I may not work on every project, other interns working on specific projects can ask for help to guide them along the right path as they accomplish their task. The project I have the most fun with and  I feel most comfortable with is Carisealand. The project’s aim is to discover Caribbean islands environmentalist and conservationist programs, companies, government agents, organizations and much more. I have been working on this project from day one, and to see it flourish is truly my desire. This project is like my child and like every parent I am proud to see it grow and become a complete ‘adult’.

12722086_1082883445084791_128593170_n During my first year, the institution helped me to ease my way through, that is because, at Create, interns are mentored/advised throughout college. Academic help is also available through the Study Hall program that I am currently actively involved in, it is where peer tutoring occurs. This program allows both parties to benefit, the tutor and the one being tutored, it is a great way to study directly and indirectly. In addition, as a somewhat ‘senior intern’, I often help the new interns with projects, or simply find their way around Create Caribbean. Our most famous saying is “think it all the way through” and in the beginning it can be difficult but with some help we all got there.

One of the programs that I always look forward to is the create and code program. The program is a great opportunity for children between the ages of 7-14 to learn how to build games, apps and websites, while interacting and working with others in their age group. I love this program because although I am over the age range, I have learned a lot from Create and Code as well as the enthusiastic students. Many students continue using the software and get better at it even after the camp is over. This tells me that they have a genuine interest.

As my journey as an intern continues there will be bumps in the road and I may even fall sometimes, but falling is alright as long as I get back up to continue my journey. “Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.”― Mandy Hale

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