A New Beginning

By Jada Esprit 

dsc_0136It finally happened.  The day that I have been waiting for since I entered the gates of  Dominica State College in September 2014; Graduation Day.  After two vigorous years at the Dominica State College, I finally graduated with an Associate degree in Tourism on October 19, 2016.  The day was filled with much enticement and intense happiness as we, the graduating class prepared to walk with our cap and gowns for our degree. I was blessed to have been accompanied by my supportive friends and family who witnessed as I obtained my diploma at this heartfelt ceremony. I was not only supported by my family and friends but also by my fellow Create Caribbean family.  In fact, I graduated with four former interns of Create Caribbean: Jerrad Colaire, Mia George, Jernel Peter and Emmana Jeffers. It is with the greatest smile that  I thank each and every person who has emotionally and financially supported me throughout my years at Dominica State College, your efforts have not gone in vain.  The supportive actions from the Create Caribbean team has shown me over the years what true friendship and respect looks like.  Truly, without the guidance given to me by the directors and interns, these past two years would not have been as smooth as it was.

As I figure out the next chapter of my life it is vital that I keep with me the vast knowledge that I obtained from Dominica State College and Create Caribbean. I was fortunate to obtain a part time job at Create Caribbean, helping our new crop of minions (interns) as they navigate through college life with the added bonus of being apart of the Create Caribbean team. The transition from attending school at Dominica State College to working at Create Caribbean has been a smooth one, working at Create has certainly made it easier to accept the role that I now play as a working woman. I also received a part-time job at the Fort Young Hotel; it has always been a dream of mine to work at a prestigious hotel before I go to university.  I felt like the experience would be a memorable and joyous one, I still share those views. In the near future I hope to put my degree to good use by choosing a career in the tourism/hospitality field, this is where my true passion lies.

To conclude, I would like to again show my appreciation to everyone who has grounded me throughout the last few years; Create Caribbean, my friends, family and my lecturers they all enabled me to push forward and work hard each and everyday.  I truly hope that I made them proud with the recent receival of my diploma.  It is imperative that I recognize that this is not the end and I will have much more accomplishments in the future.


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