Blank Pages

By Jerrad Colaire 

“Every beginning has an end and every end is a new beginning.” – Santosh Kalwar. Flipping through the book of life, we realize that this moment is inevitable, for me, it was uninterrupted and for that I am thankful, thankful not only for graduating but for everyone who has helped me and will continue to help me in my future endeavors. Coming to college was a huge transition from the “high school life”, I was presented with new challenges, like finding a comfortable place or group of friends who will both encourage you and help you. At Create Caribbean I found both. This institute not only transformed my school experience but also enhanced my abilities by giving me a place to be myself, and that in turn has helped shape me for the future.dsc_0176

Graduation day was even more special for me because I surprised my Create family after telling them that I would not be able to attend. One friend called me, and I quote “a lying liar who lies” and another started screaming in the office. The look on their faces was priceless. These remarkable people were there for me from the time I started interning at Create to this very moment, because of their help, I got to the end and it was all worth it. One of my biggest dreams was to get that diploma and make everyone proud, I had a goal and I was going to achieve it no matter what.

Now that we have successfully ended this chapter of our lives, all we, as graduates of Dominica State College can do now is move forward, move on to bigger and better things without settling for less. The same excitement and thrill we walked up to collect our diplomas with is the same excitement and thrill we should continue to walk with as we continue on after college. The ground work that I did at Create is what will help me move forward in my life, the skills I acquired has prepared me for what lies ahead, and for that I’m grateful. Create Caribbean not only produced a space for my development but a space for anyone to thrive, zeroing in on the characteristics that make us who we are and leaving us with the notion that we can do anything. Everything you do at Create prepares you for the future, from keeping deadlines to communication skills. Working at Create has helped me personally by pushing me to get out of my comfort zone, breaking boundaries that hindered my success and enhancing my social skills which I will need moving forward.

emptyI want to particularly recognize my Create friends who graduated; Jada, Mia and Jernel, I wish you all the best on the journey they call life, make the best out of everything you do, and remember “Life isn’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving”- Rocky Balboa. All of us have our blank pages but what we put on it is up to us, so let’s make it great, with every new chapter let the pages that follow lead to bigger and better things. Remember, we create our future; we write our own stories.

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