Just the Beginning…

By Mia George

Becoming a college graduate isn’t just some passing phase in life. It’s more than just putting on a gown and a cap and receiving a diploma, it is the beginning of a whole new legacy waiting to be lived. Therefore, I’m accepting this opportunity and pressing forward to pursue my dreams.

Looking back, being an intern at Create Caribbean Inc. has taught me numerous life lessons. Our most famous saying “Think it all the way through!” has not only been a part of the work I did as an intern, but a part of my everyday life. As human beings, it is coded in our nature to jump into things or to quickly help others. However, having these six words with me throughout my days, constantly reminds me that sometimes, it is good to pause for a moment and really ponder on what you are doing or about to do.

In preparation for the working world, I have learnt how to effectively communicate with others and to respect and be open to their opinions. Group work was never an activity that I ever looked forward to. The work always seemed incomplete, and to me it could have been “done better” if I did it myself. However, moving from High School and coming into College, I had realized that my perception of group work would have to change. I needed to be more open to others and their ideas, and working with my fellow interns at Create showed me that a team effort does pay off once there is co-operation and effective collaboration.

Now, I’m moving on to higher heights and searching for greater things in life, and I have the staff and dsc_0264interns at Create Caribbean to thank for it. So putting on that cap and gown did make me feel accomplished, but it also motivated me to not give up on higher education. Listening to the keynote speaker, I knew that there is more than an Associate’s Degree out there for me. Hence, graduating from college is not the end, but only the surface of a new beginning. I was granted the honour of being a member of the Graduating Class of 2016 with an Associate’s Degree in Biology. I congratulate my friends and fellow interns, Jada Esprit, Jernel Peter and Jerrad Colaire on their success as well.

For those who may read this blog and think that being an intern at Create will look good on their resume, it will, but that’s not all. Don’t let this be the sole purpose behind you joining Create Caribbean. This institution is more than just a great opportunity, more than just exposure and experience in avenues many other organizations will never offer. The Directors, Staff and Interns will make you feel like you always belonged, the leaders strive to form a group of individuals that will, at the end, know the importance of teaching skills and they provide a space for productive work interactions and to build life-long relationships. Now, I am elated to say that I am an employee at Create Caribbean Inc, an opportunity I will never take for granted.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
~Walt Disney


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