The Next Big Step

by Mia George

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


Moving on from the steps of the Dominica State College is just one of the small achievements in the scheme of things to come. My time at Create Caribbean only began in March of 2016, but it was one of the best decisions I had made this past semester. The experience and exposure to new things and the working environment is one of the things that I am truly grateful for and it will stay with me forever. Sadly, this was my last semester at the Dominica State College and the honor of being an intern at this institution begins to fade. Hence, I will be part of the October 2016 graduating class.

The next big move in my life journey is seeking to gain a higher education. College is not the last stop for me when it comes to learning, and one thing that I have learnt at Create Caribbean is that you are never too old to learn something new. I plan to execute my dream of becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, caring for patients as young as infancy to as old as early adolescent. However, this is just the big picture. There are many smaller steps involved such as, locating the appropriate school, and meticulously working towards that goal.
Moving out of a place where I have grown comfortable is both unnerving and exciting. Unnerving, in the sense that, it is something new and I am uncertain of the things ahead, but it is exciting because, taking this step forward is bringing me closer to my goal and that the new things and people I may encounter on my journey may bring joy to my life. To me, going on to University is an essential step in my academic life. I hope to achieve a Bachelor’s Degree in General Biology and Master’s Degree in the Pediatric Nurse practice as mentioned before.

Reflecting on my college journey and being a part of Create Caribbean, I can easily say that life is not an easy journey, neither is it impossible to live. It has taught me that success comes in stages and that after every stage, I must reevaluate my goals, and ensure that they are achievable and keep moving forward. I have learnt that I need to properly plan for school and that being organized will help me move along better, and I will only complete me studies quickly if I am prepared for the work ahead. Additionally, to take the time to actually think before making any irrational decisions. Thinking things through and basing decisions of the evidence provided is one of the important things I learnt from being at college and Create Caribbean.

With all of these lessons in mind and a broader scope on life, I plan to move on to greater things academically and as an individual.


Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

~Theodore Roosevelt

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