The Orchid House

by Jada Esprit


Inspirational and glorifying are two words I would use to describe the intense feeling I had at the book launch for the new Papillote Press edition of The Orchid House, written by the exceptional Phyllis Shand Allfrey.  This was not the first time I was blessed with the remarkable opportunity to be touched by this author.  In fact, as a prior Literature student at the baracoon buildingConvent High School, I was given the opportunity to read her exceptional work many times.  Continuously, the Barracoon Building is home to many historical and unforgettable events which took place in Dominica and this  is why it was the perfect place to hold the launching of this book. The event took place on April 21 and was attended by many persons who appreciated the work of Phyllis Allfrey and viewed it as a gift which we should all be grateful for.
dr eIn addition to this launching there was a public launching at the Dominica State College where students were invited and learned not only about The Orchid House, but also about the author, through a presentation done by Dr. Lennox Honychurch, leading historian on Dominica.

However, it is important to remember one of the most significant reasons why the members of Create Caribbean were at this launch; it was to support the Director and Founder of  Create Caribbean Research Institute, Dr. Schuyler Esprit. It indeed brought me much joy and pleasure to witness the admirable moment when Dr. Esprit was honoured at the book launch event for writing the Introduction to this edition of The Orchid House.  She is the first Dominican who has had the opportunity to write an introduction to this book. It was an extremely impressive moment, because this showcased her willingness to make new advances in her life and career by completing a task and doing an outstanding job at it.

The event was a complete success and I am very much aware that the Create Caribbean interns could not be any prouder of our Director, leading by example to accomplish great things.


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