The Last Leg …

by Mia George 

Embarking on the last leg of my DSC journey, I took a special interest in doing an internship with Create Caribbean. It is exciting being around people I am familiar with and the opportunity that is presented to me to meet new people. I believe that life is a continuous learning process and that there is much to learn at Create Caribbean.

My first project was to create a satisfaction survey for lecturers and students at the Dominica State College. I was assigned a new project two weeks later to blog on my experience at the “Launching of Film and Video Screening Equipment Services”. I was very interested in the history of the Arawak House of Culture, when the Minister of Culture said that it was a place for screening films and videos before it was bought over by the Government of Dominica at the time. Since then, the building has been used as a place of exhibiting Dominica’s culture and to host annual culture festivals. However, now with the new film and video screening equiptment, the Arawak House of Culture has regained its use.

In my opinion I believe that this movement by the government with the aid of ALBA Cultural, is a good incentive. Due to the wide range of interest being taken in film making by the young people, the government has decided to provide training for them.

The ceremony featured the screening of three short videos and a feature film. The first was Screw Pine, a video produced by the Division of Culture. It explained the process of harvesting and preparing the Screw Pine to create a variety of crafts. The second video was “Are You Breathing” produced by the Discover Dominica Authority. The video illustrated the vast mountains of Dominica, our hotels and resorts, the Waitikubuli National Trail and the overall beauty of our island. The third was a video on Pappy produced by Sandra Vivas.

The feature film of the night was “Forward Ever” produced by Bruce Paddington of Trinidad and Tobago. This film captured most of my interest as it outlined the revolution from the beginning to the end. It was very interesting to see how a people so united in Grenada be brought down so easily. It was also saddening that many died, killed so brutally for what they stood for in their country.

Overall, my experience at this event was one of many feelings, but it was a good experience and quite informative.


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