The Mental Landscape – How Space & Place Influence The Mind

by Megan Vidal

I based my project on the effects of space and place on mental health, where I first discussed this on a broad scale then narrowed down to a single location that I could understand best. It was inspired by videos I had seen of homes of patients with severe mental illness being cleaned, while the message being emphasised was the interdependent relationship between one’s environment and mental state. I enjoyed doing the research for this project and the in-depth knowledge I gained from doing it, but I do wish there was another location of focus analysed alongside DSC and have some comparing and contrasting of the results done as well. Challenges from this project arose during the beginning stages, as deciding exactly what to do and how to do it took more brainstorming and time than I had expected. Overall it was a pleasant experience, and I learned more about the school itself and the struggles of my fellow classmates and even faculty members, how impactful one’s surroundings are (even the minor things that we think don’t matter), and that even the absence of something can have an effect. You actually can miss what you never had.

Project Link:

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